Now General Dynamical appears behind Fielebnu towering high in majestic authority and power. He grows bigger and bigger and bigger and Feilebnu grows smaller and smaller and smaller!
A powerful surge of His liquid love fills you as you rage with the very compassionate anger of God ,straight to the fiery darts that pour out from the gun that Feilebnu is desperately emptying at you!
But the fiery darts just bounce off the shield and head straight back to where they came from. Feilebnu looks on horrified as he sees his last vista of this life! The fiery darts hit him smack in the face and he crumples to the floor, shrinking to a heap of sand which dissapears to the ground.
Your beloved General Dynamical beckons you to follow Him to the River of Life and your heart longs for Him...
What will you do ?