You run laughing into the River of life into the arms of General Dynamical. Together you dance in the river.

As you step into the flow of the river you see a dove come from heaven to rest on you, anointing you with a touch of pure heaven.

The feeling is out of this world. Rivers of liquid joy, love and peace saturate your very soul. Looking down you see the river passing through your body. As it gushes out of your belly General Dynamical smiles at you and says,"He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart (or belly) will flow rivers of living water..John 7:38". As he says this you both laugh and spin around and around in sheer delight.

Suddenly you realize you are speaking in another tongue, an angelic language. Even as you utter the strange words you feel waves of strength sweep over your soul.

Also, you realize that you are seeing prophetic visions. You see your family rise up from hospital beds and you are dancing around the hospital room for joy. There are three men in the same room who you see rising from their beds. Then you see you and your whole family in a foreign country reaching out to many people who are hiding away in 'Mother's Chambers'.

Then General Dynamical approaches you with a beautiful, sharp, double-edged sword in His hand. He stretches out His hand and puts it in your right hand. You catch a glimpse of your reflection in the river....

Click anywhere on the above picture to learn more about the armour of God.

You are truly majestic. A shining knight in full armour, wielding a magnificent sword.

Then the force of the river beckons you east, indeed you see the dove flying purposefully along the course of the river.

What will you do ?

  1. Step out of the river to explore the north.
  2. Step out of the river to explore the south.
  3. Go back west against the flow of the river.
  4. Follow the Dove's leading to the east along the flow of the river.