You have found the River Of Life.

The River of Life (you just know in your innermost being that it is) runs West to east and is north of you. Looking to the west you see that it is flowing mystically out of a huge rock surrounded by trees and vegitation. As it travels in a straight line from West to East is goes THROUGH everything, not around! Through huge tree trunks, rocks, everything!

The sound of it's waters is magically soothing to your soul and yet agressively attractive, drawing you to it's purposeful flow.

But there is a warning in the air! You feel ,strangely, both love and hate for this new direction. Deep down in your spirit you feel peacefully drawn, but in your mind you are debating,"Is it a trap ?", "Is this really from General Dynamical ?"....

Looking to your south you see two pathways, one to the South West, labelled "Spiritual Preparation". The one to the South East is labelled "Spiritual Protection". The way east is blocked by a towering wall.

What will you do ?

  1. Go North to the River of Life.
  2. Go South West down the way of "Spiritual Preparation".
  3. Go South East down the way of "Spiritual Protection".
  4. Go back West, the way you came from.
Back to start.