To your amazement the way comes to an abrupt end, blocked by a towering wall with the following picture on it....
Resting on a cushion at the bottom of the wall is an old, wise-looking man.
"Greetings",he says. "My name is Gniniart. I have been awaiting your arrival. I want to pass on to you all that I have so you may excel and far out-do waht I have done in my whole life, and I am 149!".
Saying this he takes of his green shoes and white belt and gives them to you saying,"Take the shoes of of the preparation of the gospel of peace and the belt is the belt of truth. Without them you cannot enter the flow of the River of Life. Beware Feilebnu, he is a horrible giant all of us have to face. You need faith to overcome him!"
What do you do ?