The people eye you with great suspicion that turns into hatred. They start murmering among themselves and begin to look very hostile towards you.
As you wait, out of the corner of one eye you see the faint outline of a door on the wall opposite you. As you concentrate on the outline it becomes clearer. You recognise it as being the 'Reality' door you saw in the first room.
Strangely, you feel drawn to the old wooden door. A bright light starts to buzz over the door and when it leaves an engraved cross is clearly evident. A gentle, inviting voice soothingly says..
"I am the door; by me if any man enters in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture."
John 10:9At the sound of the voice the crowd starts to run towards you to attack you with their fists. But as they do this there is a great earthquake and the room starts to cave in on you all. There is mass panic and much screaming. What will you do ?