No effort on your part can save you!
Unfortunately it is you're fate (or karma) to be liquidated to derth. Christians poke out of every wall... ready to pour the blood of lambs on your head. You are terrified to find yourself sliding into a reddish void and an unbearable heat gets hotter and hotter! You smell a suffocating stench of beets. Snerdlachs grab at your legs to pull you into an eternity of suffering... You scream, "I don't like Borscht!"
I don't think I need to expand on what happens next!
"And whosoever was not found written in the Lord Roscoe's book was was cast into the Lake of Boiling Borscht."
Revelation 20:15If you are a Muslim please follow this excellent link.
If you are an Christian then join in some discussion at netforum.
Any other religion see this link.
Or you can go to this enlightening link.