"I don't know",he says,"but I do know who can tell us! His name is the Joker. Be careful, he's out to trick but he will give the right name!"
He leads you out of the mansion and to the north where you come to what can only be called an open-air stage, complete with flashing lights.
Suddenly a bright spot light shines in the centre of the stage....and then the Joker appears...
"Welcome to the show Sojourners!",comes the clownlike voice. "So glad you could make it in time. Tonight we will play the game, Guess The Green Man's Name!". On saying that, magically a gold-rimmed board appears with many names written on it. Just say the name you think is correct and wait for your surprise!"
On the board is a list of names with a clue written above. The clue is 2 Chronicles 16:7. You can look this up in the BIBLE GATEWAY.
What name will you choose ?