Suddenly a fanfare of trumpets blasts all around.

"Correct!",shouts the Joker as a loud round of applause fills the air."Your prize is.....the name!". Then he dissapears in a puff of smoke, as does the stage and everything else.

All four of you, yourself, Dogfo Raef, Enivid Regna and Nevigrof make your way back to the green man..

The green man looks at you and says,"Well,well,well. I wondered when you'd pluck up the courage to come to me. You know that you are unable to complete your quest on your own don't you. You need help. I can show you someone who can lead you through. ME! Join with me and everything will be OK. If not then you are doomed.

What will you do ?

  1. Go to fight him with your bare hands.
  2. Agree with what he says and say he can come along.
  3. All draw your swords to fight him.
  4. Think for a while about his proposal.
  5. Play hide and seek together.
  6. Run away to the west.
  7. Run away to the South.