You have chosen wisely.

As you take out some leaves from the bag the fragrance seems to push back the musty bitterness of the coffin-like room Rettib has been confined in.

The words 'Leaves for the healing of the nations' seems to whisper all over the room. Dogfo and Regna look around to see where it's coming from. You know it's the voice of General Dynamical.

As you apply the leaves on Rettib's chest, his breathing goes from being strained and gasping, to being like a young child! Suddenly, the wrinkles on his body smooth out, as if an invisible iron had straightened them out.

He leaps of the floor with boundless energy crying,"Praise General Dynamical, i'm free! I'm forgiven! I'm healed! I'm name is now Nevigrof."

You all rejoice together with him and then he goes to a very dusty cupboard which opens to reveal his old armour. After some polishing it sparkles with the brilliance of the purity of forgiveness. As he put on the armour you all stand back in delighted amazement. Could this be the old man you had just seen on the rocking chair ?

What will you do now ?

  1. Go back and fight the green man.
  2. Ask Nevigrof if he knows the green man's name.

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