"Be angry and sin not. Don't let the sun go down on your wrath."
Ephesians 4:26Read this article on dealing with anger.
Both you and Dogfo are amazed as pure divine energy rips forth from your swords and launches itself in a cord of light towards the strongman. His whole face darkens with sudden despair and seems suddenly drained of all the life it had only moments ago!
The two pulses of light energy from the swords form cords of light that bind up the strongman who sinks to the floor on his knees. The swords in your hands take on a life of their own and leap out of your hands to strike many deep cuts into the quivering heap before you. Then, with the deathblow, a cry of unparalleled anger fills the air and dies away.
Suddenly,you notice the writing on the door change to 'Enivid Regna'. The man comes out of the house and approaches you looking very different to the last time, and seeming more open and ready to talk.
Indeed, he pleads you to tell him all about what General Dynamical means to you and what is the way of salvation. After you tell him, he kneels down in repentance and says he will follow General Dynamical. First he wants to be baptised, which you willingly do for him.
Now Regna comes out of the waters with great divine zeal and energy which is infectous. "I must find the river of life and wear armour like you two. I'll go with you into General Dynamical's purposes. We will be as an army with banners!".
All three of you launch off on the next leg of your journey. The storm to the east has ceases, so you go to the EAST.