The three of you travel east..

Beneath your feet you hear the powerful roar of the river of life and feel it pulling you east. You are still in the desert but the mountains are getting closer.

You know that all three of your destinies lie beyond the mountains. The key to untangling your black past lies in the dawning future before you.

But as you look east you see the way is guarded by a strong green man swinging a sword...

You do not know the green man's name and all three of you agree that it is not time to go east yet. There's something else to do! Maybe in doing that you will find the name you're looking for.

To your north you see an old rotting mansion, looking now very much like a haunted house. To the south is an inviting looking oasis.

What will you do?

  1. Go north into the old mansion.
  2. Go south towards the oasis.
  3. Go back west where you came from.
  4. Ignore your feelings and attack the green man.
  5. Wait where you are.