An amazing sight meets your eyes as you are at the base of the volcano...

There is a cool looking dude wearing a crown on a surf board, seemingly having the time of his life!

Going along the edge of the lake ,which miraculously has waves for surfing,you come to a cave entrance in the volcanic rock. There is a sign by the lake saying "Kingdom of Fles".

Suddenly the man on the surf board notices you both and comes to talk with you. "Greetings dude Sojourners! You know man , I was like you, but wow, look what I've found! This is the life! Oh, Sorry, my name is H. Si Fles, the 'H' is for 'Honoured'."

You tell him your names and he rattles off again in conversation..."Well man, you can join me. Grab a surf board and join in the fun. If you really want to join me wholeheartedly just go in that cave", he points to the cave in the volcanic rock.

"You know, you're wasting your time looking for the River of Life, the Sea of humanity, it's all lies - you already have those things, RIGHT HERE!"...he laughs and goes back to his surfing.

What will you do ?

  1. Go into the cave.
  2. Join Si surfing on the water.
  3. Go back south to where the UFO is.
  4. Go west.
  5. Go east into the storm.