You find your green shoes speed you on your quest. There is a desire in them to get back to the river and bathe in it's life-giving waves!
The path comes to an abrupt dead-end, blocked by thick hedge. At the end of the path lies a shiny heap! As you look closer you are delighted to find it is pile of priceless armour.
There is a dazzling silver breast plate which you pick up and put on. As you put it on your heart is warmed with a surge of love straight from the heart of General Dynamical. His presence seems so close but you cannot see Him. Indeed, you feel His moral character ooze to you from the breast plate and you feel you are right before His eyes. You seem to stand even more upright than ever before, even though your heart is now more bowed down to Him than ever before!
Next is a beautiful solid silver helmet! As you put it on your head your mind is flooded with hope. You know you now have a future and a hope. The fears, nightmares and images of doom you have been having melt away in the furnace of hope. You know that the River of life offers the answer.
Last, but by no means least, is the bright shining solid gold shield with a mustard seed engraved on it. You expect it to be very heavy, but it is easy to carry. As you pick it up suddenly your hope has gained substance. This is that which will protect you. Feilebnu is no opposition at all. God will triumph and that is a present reality.
You march back towards the river as a victor, already having won even before the battle!