You continue east following the sound of the river beneath

Dogfo and yourself see an unusual sight before you. A funny little man sits in what can only be described as a UFO . He is looking at you and eagerly beckoning for you to go up to him.

To your north is a huge, impressive looking, volcano with smoke issuing from it's peak. It seems to be a good days walk away. To your east the way is blocked by a sand storm and to the south all you see is desert with what could be another oasis on the horizon, or is it just a mirage ?

You and Dogfo Raef are feeling very tired and hungry.

What will you do ?

  1. Go up to the UFO to talk to the man.
  2. Go north towards the volcano.
  3. Go south.
  4. Go east.
  5. Go back west.
  6. Sit down and have a SANDwich!

Please send any questions or comments to me (Moishe Shmendrick).

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