You press the button and the door slides open to reveal...

...a barren desert-wilderness with mountains in the far distant east! In the distance to the east you see a cloud of dust and know in your spirit that is General Dynamical with a company of valiant men riding forth with purpose. But there is no way you can catch them up now.

As you step through the doorway it closes behind you. You turn around and see a huge towering wall, the door has dissapeared. You know you are on the other side of the wall that is the boundary of the garden!

You are amazed to see many scribblings on the wall all in chalk. Many people have come here and written things on the wall. The title above the scribbling says "LLaw Fo Pissog!".

To your north you make out an oasis in the distance with what looks like a small house in the midst. To your east and south the way is blocked by a thick sand storm and a voice seems to come from it saying "Save and be saved!" over and over again.

Beneath you there is the trembling and roar of the river of life making it's journey ever east.

What will you do ?

  1. Go north.
  2. Take a closer look at the writing on the wall.
  3. Wait until the sand-storm is over to go east.
  4. Brave the sand-storm to the east.
  5. Brave the sand-storm to the south.

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