Behind the golden curtain.

Behind the golden curtain it is like paradise to you. A four-poster silk-lined king-sized bed. A seductive atmosphere with fragrance rising to the ceiling as your passion rises likewise!

As they said you would, you have the time of your life - at least while it lasts!

Having got what you came in to get you feel a strange sensation coming over your body. Horror-stricken you realize that at lightning speed a deadly disease is overpowering your whole body! It is AIDS!!!

A voice rings through the room quoting a passage of scripture...

"Who,knowing the judgement of God,that they who commit such things (immorality) are worthy of death, not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them."

Romans 1:32

And again, the voice pleads...

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ,our Lord."

Romans 6:23

You sense that you will blackout soon and you feel like the whole room is caving in on you...what will you do ?

  1. Call out for help.
  2. Go back to your 'mate' enjoy them one last time!
  3. Try to escape out of the room.

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